You see, my side of the family has this tradition, well not really a tradition, where the family Christmas dinner is rotated between the each family. It's not that I'm against the idea but I hate the planning involved and the mess it brings ... It's not really such a big thing, only about 5 families including mine is involved.
The thing that irked me was nobody asked whether I had any plans this Christmas or not. Wifey and me planned to go somewhere for Christmas but now looks like we're going to have to scrap that plan. It wouldn't be nice to just let my mom do everything on her own, so I'll just have to stick around for it.
Worse yet, I'm going to have to get a new Christmas tree now. The old one looks like it's going to topple anytime soon. I've had that tree for ages and its served me well. Last year, wifey and me created a theme for Christmas where we only had blue and silver decorations on the tree and around the house.
That tree was already like going to disintegrate while we were setting it up. The stand for the tree was kinda broken so we 'planted' it in this flower pot from our garden then went around looking for some christmas tree skirts to wrap around the pot. We did find a nice huge one at this Christmas warehouse sale, and of course we also bought a lot more silver and blue themed stuff.
After decorating the tree, we thought it look okay, not great or anything. We didn't know there was this contest going on with the carolers to chose the best Christmas tree in the neighbour hood and I was shocked to learn much later after Christmas that we had won the best decorated Christmas tree in the neighbourhood ... hehehe ... That sure made my Christmas :)
I guess this year will be time to get a new tree seeing as how I'm going to need to defend my title ... hehehe ... I wonder what the theme will be like for this year. We have so many blue and silver decorations that I don't know what to do with it cos we can't use the same theme again now, can we? I'll think of something, hopefully we'll win again this year :)
But if you wanna see a really great Christmas tree, then you guys should check out the tree at my buddy, the Genie Kings house. My other buddy Seansy and me have unanimously agreed that he has the best Christmas tree in the whole City!
6 weird comments:
Bud...coming from a prize winner that is indeed praise! hehehe
Well if you're lookin gfor a tree...try metro already or wait for the guy at Amcorp...Don't know if robbinsons will have but it will be good to check around.
Good luck again this year! :)
PS How is the music and light for our party coming? :)
Thanx for the Christmas tree tip buds. I'll definitely check out those places.
What do you mean lights? I thot we were going to use torchlight or something ... LOL!
I definitely need a new Christmas tree too. I prefer going to parties, not the other way around. Too much work involved... especially the cleaning up!
Sweetiepie, I agree with you 100% about the cleaning up bit! Oh well, what to. It's already been decided so can't do anything about it now ...
Ha ha ha...but I just love Christmas!!! Magical moments...priceless memories with family...;D
Choc Mint Girl, welcome to my humble blog :) Oh, I simply adore Christmas, it's the cleaning up after the party that I hate ... LOL!
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