I feel like blasting that doofus to Venus and back. And you wanna know who I'm talking about? Well, it's that Nick fellow of course!!! You know what he did? He went and organized a party and not let me know. A nude party at that. Just what kind of alter ego is he? A bloody selfish one that is!!! I had to read about this in the newspaper at that!!! And here I thought he was busy with his best fat burner project!!!
But gee, I didn't know he had it in him to organize nude parties, I thought that fellow was always a nice person who abhors things like this. I wonder if his 'wifey' knows about this party. Hmmm ... maybe I should snitch on the bum. But then, that would be counter productive. His 'wifey' might just wallop the life out of him and the nude party would be canceled and I wouldn't be able to gate crash and be among those hundreds of nude women ... LOL!
Ok, time to go find the bum and have a word with him ...

Ok, ok, he didn't really organize any nude parties , but this article I read in the local papers this morning simply had to be posted :D Like as if Anything Goes would ever organize anything of this nature. Now Spiff, The Spaceman on the other hand ... LOL!
1 weird comments:
lol! the 'anything goes' sounds familiar!
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