Alive And Kicking ...

Oh boy, it's been a whole week since I last posted anything here. And there is an absolutely good reason for that. Last Sunday, just as I was about have dinner, a bunch of good for nothing Zorkian bugs ambushed me and held me captive for a whole week until my heroic escape this morning. LOL!

The truth of the matter is I was pretty tied up settling into my new job and that left me with no time to look into all three (yes, yes, I have three) blogs. I only managed to keep my personal blog updated and since I have a little time today I thought I'd write a couple of lines so you guys know I'm still alive ... hehehe ...

The week was a pretty good one and I settled in to my new job quite well. You guys can read about it in my other blog Anything Goes! I'm just too lazy to repeat it over here. All I can say is I've had enough coffee to last me three lifetimes.

I'm actually a little under the weather right now. Battling a bout of cough, flu and fever. They always come in a group of three. And it's just beginning so I guess I'll be battling with it all week ... Siggghhh ... I'm too lazy to go see a doctor and have been just popping a couple of Panadols all day. So far, it seems to be keeping the fever in check.

Christmas is just around the corner so I'm hoping to get well before it arrives. I still have quite a bit of Christmas shopping to do and I don't really want to keep it to the last minute. That's all from me for now. I need to go lie down for a bit. Feeling a little woozy at the moment ...