Dead Tired!

Oh man, I'm so tired from work today that I'm on the verge of falling asleep right here on my keyboard but I need to get a post out today. You know la, have to earn some money. Slave trading doesn't pay as much as it used to and the demand for Zorkian slaves are not all that popular these days.

So, being a spaceman in need of extra cash, I have to eke out a living doing something pretty humiliating, like working in advertising like that annoying bum Nick! I suppose a spaceman has got to do what a spaceman has got to do to earn money. Even though I'm bloody sleepy right now. I could always do another riddle but Nessa just guessed my early riddle in the blink of an eye making her a genius for a week ... hehehe ...

I'll let her gloat in her victory for a week and then I'll think of something even harder for her to solve ... yes, and you too Anny, seeing as how only you and Nessa seem to be enjoying my riddles ... hehehe ... Ok, I think I'd better end here cos I'm really very sleepy. I wish I was in some luxury hotel rooms with those nice plush beds, sure would make my sleep all the more enjoyable.

Good night people and don't let those Zorkian bugs bite :D