But no, I'm not going to post any riddles today even if you all go down on bended knees and beg me offering me a years worth of industrial supplies ... hahaha ... Instead I'm going to post a 'What Do You See?' picture.
Look at the picture below and me what you see the moment you look at the picture. And be honest about what you see. And no Googling, Yahooing, Alta Vistaing and countless other ings trying to find the answer, ok? And we all know who our resident Googling, Yahooing, Alta Vistaing expert is, right? LOL!
So, look closely and tell me what you see. As always, no prize for the one with the correct answer but extreme fame and fortune on my blog :D

62 weird comments:
I'm feeling inesen.... i see lotsa fishes jumping!! Muahahaha
I'll be a bit pervy... I see 2 people being 'overfriendly' ;)
urmm.. my imagination is too wicked and wild.. no comment on the pic.. *LOL*
i'd better stop guessing this one or else i'd be famous for something else...hahahaha
ok, ok...i see dolphins...and...urmmm..thats all. hahahaha
i see dolphins here, too
LOL @ 2 people being overfriendly!!
I know I'm supposed to be seeing something else aside from the couple getting it on, but I just can't see it la! Hmmmm....
Where got fish? And dolphins it seems! i can't see anything but the couple!!
Wahhh ok I can see one fish!!! Down there he he! And I think the so called dolphins are on the right and left... what else to see? Hahaha!
LOL @Marzie! Lotsa dolphins in there ;)
What do you mean people getting it on? I just see dolphins? (innocent face)
dolphins ka? u all sure ka? i tot it was kois.. kakakkakakaa.. or was it centipede... urmm.. mebbe sharkssssss...
dolphines lo...hahha if not? what do you see spaceman?
Nessa - Inesen? Hahaha ... yeah, right :D Apasal la you nie pandai sangat :p
Terra Shield - Hahaha ... yup, you are a little pervy ... The answer will be out soon.
Anny - LOL! Another one with a perverted imagination ...
Carol - Hahaha! Yeah, I'm sure you ONLY see dolphins ... LOL!
Imelda - Wah, you guys all so innocent ah? LOL!
Marzie - Hahaha ... Marzie also pervert ... LOL!
Marzie - LOL! You sure you cannot see anything else ah? That mean you pervert la tu Marzie ... hahaha!
Marzie - Got fish one, clear your mind of perverted thoughts and look closely ... hahaha!
Marzie - One only? Apa la MArzie ... got plenty fishes one ... LOL!
Nessa - Betul tu Nessa, loads of Dolhins and si Marzie can only see one ... hahaha!
Bem - Buddy, if you're innocent, I'm St. Nicholas. Wait a minute, I AM St. Nicholas! LOL!
Anny - LOL! Anny, just admit it la, you also pervert la ... LOL! Mana ada kois la ... hahaha!
Ken - Don't la ask me what I see Ken. I memang otak kotor one ... hahaha!
I am i am.. my imagination is what makes my life very interesting... don't u see kois? kakkakakkakakaa..
otaks kuning pon banyak di sini.. hahhahahaa..
hey... we all got bold replys.. *WOW*
I thought this is a family blog? ;)
wah sexy picture
its an art, reminds of me Mr. Bean!
haha.. Mr. Bean made claypot put on chest LOL
Anny - Hahaha, at least you berani enough to admit it ... Actually I'm so innocent that I see ikan masin la ... hahaha!
Anny - Yup, there sure is loads of them here ... hehehe!
Actually la, the truth is, when I see the picture, I see how unbelievably innocent I am compared to you all. The level of my innocence is just amazing, I tell you.
Mei Teng - It is a family blog ... hahaha!
TH - Hahaha, so you didn't see any fishes, ah?
TH - Mr. Bean? Really? Let me go look at it again ... LOL!
TH - He did? I don't remember la ...
Bem - If you're innocent, then this world is already doomed ... LOL!
Breaking news! The world is doomed!
doomed ka? nanti nanti... we have to save the botol duru with the drawing kuning..
Bem - I knew it! I knew it! LOL!
Anny - Hahaha, save the botol so we can all still continue being perverts ...
By the way, apasal you all bolding your comments ah? LOL!
Bem and I are BOLD people :) we are not done with you yet for forgetting to BOLD us in earlier comments.. as Bem says.. BOLD IS BEAUTIFUL.. kakkakakakakaa
Ya I agree with Anny, I think its time for us to bold our comments so that you remember to bold your replies later hahahaha
Bold is Beautiful
Anny - Hahaha! Vengeful jugak you two nie! Never mind, I bold and italic my comments just for the two of you vengeful duo ... LOL!
Bem - How can I ever forget to bold your replies with the way you two keep reminding me so subtly :D
aiyaaaaaaaaaa.. now we are doing the bold & italic dance ka? aduhaiiiii... what next
Wow! I see 12 dolphins! And all the dolphins doing naughty things like the couple that I also see! LOL!
Aiyoooooooo ok ok I see the dolphins finally hahahahaha!!!Must stare really hard mah LOL!!!
I can only see 8 though, sure or noooooot got 12 dolphins Foong?? He he!
Anny - LOL! I pun don't know la Anny, my grasp of html tags very limited la!
Foong - Yeah, I'm sure you saw those dolphins ... hahaha!
Marzie - Hahaha! Yeah, you have to juling your eyes and most importantly, clear you mind of perverted thoughts ... LOL!
Marzie - Hahaha! I also don't really know how many dolphins there are la, my mind too corrupted oredi ... Foong could be right.
no fishes.. all cabut.
if there is.. better watch out.. hah..
remember the movie wrong turn 2
TH - LOL! Yeah, all cabut oredi.
TH - Watch out? For what? Hehehe ...
TH - I've heard of it but never saw it la.
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