I love Fridays. I think I've said that a million times before but I love this Friday even more than usual. And you wanna know why? Really? You wanna know? Seriously? Aiyaaa, why you all so busy body one ... LOL!
Ok, ok, since I'm such a nice Spaceman, I'll share my joy with all of you :D Remember once long, long ago in a land far, far away when I was desperately trying to be top commenter, top EC dropper and
top first commenter in Emila's blog? Well, the competition was tough but I managed to pull it off and get all three spots that came with some goodies.
Now, one of those goodies was a free voucher for 35 pieces of cupcakes and today I went and picked it up :D Thanks first of all to
Emila for even making it possible for me to win the voucher and thanks to
Norliwati for sponsoring the cupcakes. I haven't eaten it yet but Mrs. Spiff has and she says it's simply heavenly :D

And just to show my appreciation for all of you who made me sweat like a monkey on steroids just to maintain my top positions, I honour each and everyone of you who was vying for the cupcakes with a piece of cupcake just for you. And every time I telan that special cupcake reserved for you, you can be rest assured I'll be thinking of you ... hahahahahahahaha!

Oh and my joyful story isn't over yet. Before I even went to pick up the cupcakes today, the good old postman, well not really old la, the fellow is a young chap
(LOL!) came by and handed me a brown envelope. At first I thought,
'Alamak, lawyer letter from bank!' But then I recognised Emila's handwriting and instantly knew what it was. Yes, yes, it was the little teddy bear she gave away for her birthday contest. I was so happy and even more so to open the envelope and find that it was the nice blue bear and not one in pink which some people I know were instigating Emila to send to me ... LOL! I've got my eye on you three ... hehehe!

Emila, thank you for the little bear, it's lovely and to be honest, you run one of the best blog contests in the entire blogsphere la. Who else actually gives you a prize even if you don't win, no one else but Emila :D Ok, ok, that was my small
'bodeking' part to make my chances better for her next contest ... LOL!
28 weird comments:
Aiyaaaaaaaaaaaa.. u left out Nessa in the honouring of the cupcakes.. abislaaaaa.. she gonna cry.. and and and sharpen her nails.. and and and u better and hide now.
i so jeles now.. u got 35 cupcakeos.. pos raju some over laaaaaaaaaa.. dun be stingy laa.
the bear manyak cute laa.. how come u got the blue one ho..
aiyaaaaaa.. orang ni gembiro sangat now sambil makan cupcakeos.. aiyaaaaaaaa.. share laa share la..
spiffy, where's my cupcake!!!!!! lol!
Banyak cepat you got the bear!! Bain is waiting for his bear.
Bodeking sometime works you know!!! hahahahahahah
Anny - Aiyooo, mati la, mati la, mati la ... now you tell me ...running and hiding might be my best option ... LOL!
Anny - No need to jeles, I'll think of you when I eat that piece reserved for you ... LOL!
Urmmm, first I need to pry some out of Mrs. Spiff's hand before I can posraju to you la ... LOL!
Anny - Well, if some people had their way, I would have received the pink one ... LOL!
Anny - Hahaha ... memang gembiro nie ... some more tomorrow Saturday, got cupcakes, got bear ... LOL!
Happy weekend Anny :D
Emila - Alamak, you also want? But you're the one who was so nice to give me the cupcakes to begin with so you don't deserve to be bullied like the rest of those rascals who made me sweat to get the prize ... LOL!
Emila - Yeah, I was surprised when the postman came knocking at the office door with that envelope :D Kesian Bain, have to wait ... hehehe ...
Well, I intend to be the Bodek-king pun intended) ... LOL! ...
awww jealousnyer! u got cupcakes and bear summore!!!
Takpa, takpa... I still got big besday kek from Anny last week... hehe.
*re-sharpening nails with gusto*
Issit blue?? Y do I see pink?? It's pink laaa...
ur rite Ness.. i doooooooo see pink.. s t r a n d s of pink jugooooo.. kakakakakakkaa.. :D *high five*
yay I got cupcake too, thank u Spiffy!! :)
LOL so u got a blue bear after all ha ha ha, not pink! ;)
I haven commented at EIB today, don tell me u reached 2000 edi!
Soulie - LOL! Nothing to be jeles about, next time you also try la one of Emila's contests :D
Nessa - Oh ya, you got a huge birthday cake ... LOL!
Those nails again ... LOL!
Marzie - LOL! I telan oredi la that one ...
Marzie - Yes, I got a BLUE bear after all :D No thanks to a few people out to sabotage me with the pink one ... LOL!
Marzie - Ok, I won't tell you ... LOL!
No la, I also haven't really commented there much yet ...
bain dah dpt, yay!` brown colour! yours one blue colour pun cantik laa spiff! ^_^
*yelaa,,,kak Emi je yg baik hati bagi hadiah wpun x menang apa2 kan. tenkiuu kak Emi ^_^
Bain - Woohoo, you got yours oredi :D Yeah, lucky dapat blue, ada orang gertak Emila to send me pink one! Hahaha!
Dude, 35 cupcakes and I didn't even get whiff of a single one....just you wait? :(
But all the same congrats on winning! Nice blue bear you got...mine was pink and Ellie loves it! :)
Adrian - Trust, I didn't get a whiff of it too, the boys gobbled it all down ... LOL!
You got the pink bear? I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff ... ROFTL!
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