'But it's a Saturday tomorrow.' I told him.
But that didn't faze him one bit. And seeing as how I can't really turn away a client in need, I relented and called my boss and told him that he has to come back to work tomorrow to help me ... hahaha! If I'm going to have to work, I might as well ruin somebody else's day too. But it still ruined my Saturday anyway.
At least the weather is pretty decent, makes for perfect sleeping conditions though the lightning and thunder was pretty scary the past couple of days. It had Pebbles scurrying about the room looking for cover every time a flash of lightning appeared. She was trying to hide under our pillows, under the blankets, even under both Mrs. Spiff and me who had a hard time calming her down.

20 weird comments:
Kalau orang ni, she has these mesmerizing eyes la. Huhuhu.
Veru cute dan boleg tergoda tu. :)
My neighbour's dog always barks whenever rain is coming, especially when the dark clouds hover on us. I dont mind the barking, but a bit scary the way she barks, like seeing something.
And then we would make some specu, like the dog is seeing something. Hehe.
Yeah, i spent my saturday sipping a hot warm coffee over those thunderous hujan. Very therapeutic. Ahak ahak.
Speaking of weird, (2 weird comments),
I feel handsomely weird being the first commenting on this post. Oho. LOL!
LOL @Rizal feeling hemsemly weird!!
There's alwes a 1st taim for everything ya :)
I don mind dogs barking... can help shoo-shoo away thieves but I oso kenot stand if the barks one kind punya, like seeing something... scary laaa.
Yaaa Nessa, itu anjing bukan bark tau. Anjing itu sudah bunyi howling.. Seram. hehe
Stop working on Saturday la Spiffy, go home and play with Pebbles lol! :)
As it is dah jadi mcm doggie sendiri he he! So u are just not going to return her to her Master la? ;)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh sweet Pebbles.. how i miss thee :)
Rizal - She has hypnotizing eyes is more like it ... hehehe ... Those eyes can make Mrs. Spiff and me become her slave la ... LOL!
Aiyyaaa, don't la scare me like that, I'm a coward one la, if Pebbles start whining, I sure panic one ... LOL!
Rizal - LOL! Congrats on being the handsomely first commenter ...
Nessa - Oh yes, those scary whiny, whimpering kind of dog sounds freak me out too. Lucky Pebbles haven't made those kinds of sound yet (TOUCH WOOD!)
Marzie - Have to cari makan la ... Sometimes really no choice one ... you know la this industry ...
Marzie - LOL! She's like a part of the family now oredi ... and urrmmm, who said anything about returning her? LOL!
Rizal - Alamak, I miss this comment of yours ... heheh ...
Howling! That's the word I was looking for. Memang seram ... LOL!
Annyboo - Mana you pergi? Lama never see you? Eloped and got married ke? LOL!
elope & got married? hahahhahaa.. hmmm.. tats seems like a goote idea actually :D
Anny - What? You mean that's not true ah? LOL!
Waahhh... congratulations Anny!! :P Where my kek??
Nessa - Itu la, she lari and elope and never give us cake one ... LOL!
WAAAATTT work on Saturday??? you ought to be kidding!!!!
eh - does it make you feel better if i tell you i work every Saturday and Sunday and public holidays now? wakakakakakakaka
oh, but i do. i'm doing F&B now and now i wonder what have I got myself into!!! sigh..
Constance - Hey, I haven't seen you around in a long while.
Yeah, I had to work on a Saturday and it sucked bug time!
F&B? Aduiiiii kesian ... LOL!
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