Monday, January 12, 2009

A Riddle

Ok, who's up for a riddle? There's no prize of giveaways involved, because for one, I'm a cheapskate and number two, I'm not the giveaway sort of spaceman. But the person who gets the answer right will be in the spaceman's good books for a whole half an hour ... hahaha ... Well, what do you expect? A million bucks?

To cross the water I'm the way,

For water I'm above;

I touch it not, and truth to say,

I neither swim nor move. What am I?


  1. aiyoh.. i dont even understand the riddle how la to answer. fail la me. :(

  2. I oso fail macam Syura :( Tida pandai la... so wat's the answer ah??

  3. Syura -LOL! Neither did I, but the answer was so simple when I peeked ..

  4. Nessa - You also? Come on, give it a try ... hehehe ... I'll reveal the answer in a few days :D

  5. Bud....Is it a bridge? :)

  6. Anonymous - Give the guy a prize already ... hehehe ... you're absolutely right :D Btw, you're that Genie King fellow aren't you? LOL!

  7. Oh, a bridge rupanya! Not very good with riddles... teka-teki boleh la :)

    Ah, kasi jawab my teka-teki!

    Kalau tuan pakai lencana
    Pakailah songkok di atas kepala
    Kalau Tuan bijak laksana
    Binatang apakah tiada kepala?

  8. Nessa - Yeah, it's a bridge ... hehehe ...

    Wah, you give me teka-teki to jawap? With my level of Bahasa Malaysia understanding ... aiiyyooo die la ... hehehe ...

    Give me a few days, no, make that centuries to figure this out ... LOL!
