Saturday, March 27, 2010

210 Degrees And Counting ...

Good God! The heat is so blistering today, I wish I was in the arctic right now or at least inside my fridge but unfortunately I'm just a wee bit too big for my fridge otherwise I really would. I can feel the heat surrounding me as I sit here and type this post.

I'll bet if I broke an egg on my table, it'll be cooked in no time. That's how hot it is over here right now. Where is the rain when you need it? It's times like these that make me wish this country had four seasons instead of being a furnace all year round.

Maybe I should really consider checking out those Orlando vacation packages. I'm sure it's way cooler over there than it is over here right now! Ok, I'm going to log off and go melt away quietly some where.

1 comment:

  1. Lydia - Urmmm, thank you :D A wonderful day to you too.
