Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Sandpaper In My Throat!

I've lost my voice and I know loads of people are happy. It's not often you get to shut me up so easily. I'll bet you guys are throwing a party right now! I've got my eye on you people. And when I'm feeling all better and can talk again I'll be coming around your area and will blabber on the whole day non-stop ... LOL!

I'm down with laryngitis and my throat feel rougher than a sand paper on steroids. Trying to even swallow my own saliva is like giving birth ... ok, ok, maybe not like giving birth la but you get my drift right?

I hate being sick. Spacemen are not supposed to be sick. We're supposed to be macho and handsomely looking all day long. Tell me, have you even heard of Buck Rogers or Luke Skywalker or even Captain James Kirk falling sick? See, I told you so.

Spacemen are not supposed to fall sick. It's a conspiracy I tell you!


  1. urmm... buat apo you makan sand paper tuh?

  2. i think there's a herb.. u can get from the sinseh shop.. it taste like crap but you'll get your voice back after you drink it :D

  3. Anny - LOL! Was hungry la ...

  4. Anny - Aiyaaa, how to buy when I don't even know what it is ... LOL!

  5. Tat is true too.. *LOL* Usually i'll go to my usual sinseh fella... and tell him.. someone at home lost his voice.. and he'll give me some herbs to bukak back the sound box (literally translated from what he tells me in chinese)

  6. Anny - Actually those sinseh's do have so pretty weird medicine made from rats tails, cats whiskers and dog hairs ... hahaha!

  7. cats whiskers is a herb.. misai kucing ma.. hahahahha.. but i am not too sure about dog hairs... rats.. urmm urm.. i dun want to know.

  8. Anny - It's a good concoction you know :D
