Thursday, July 15, 2010

Music To My Ears

You know, for one who calls himself a spaceman, I only recently owned my own MP3 player. Yes, shocking isn't it? I never did have an MP3 player for all these years and to think I'm a gadget junkie at that. I don't know why but MP3 players never did excite me.

Well, not until recently that is. Ever since I started my running again, I found it pretty boring to just be running. Wifey has her MP3 player and she relies on it to keep her going so I thought, what the heck. Why not get one and see if it does make any difference in my running.

Besides I spent a couple of days downloading the entire Star Trek universe audio books and also some tips on safe weight loss pills and what better way to enjoy it than by listening to it while I run. So I went out the other day and got myself a spanky new Philips MP3 player, of course it had to be a Philips seeing as how my surname is Phillips ... LOL!

Well, suffice to say it has made a huge difference in my running cos now I'm so engrossed in the audio book that I don't even realize that I'm running faster and longer than before. And most of the time I won't want to stop running cos I'd want to finish the entire audio book which sometimes go on for close to 2-3 hours. Unfortunately I don't have time to listen to the entire audio book at one stretch because I do have to get ready for work as well.

But I am glad I went out and got myself my very first MP3 player cos now I can't do without it when I run :D


  1. Wuahhh you left me alone! Now it seems like I'm the only person that has never owned an MP3 player of iAnything.

    Back jogging eh, spaceman? Tired of flying around eh? heheeh.. There's no safe place to jog around my area here, I feel.. So I'm stuck to just exercising at home.. But I do agree that music pumps you up and gets you going..

    The last audiobooks I MTed (muat turun-ed) were the Harry Potter series by Jim Dale! super awesome! :D

  2. Shemah - What? You also never owned an MP3 player? LOL! I thought I was the only one la ...

    Yup, back to jogging again and this time I'm totally into it :D I can't go a day without my runs these days.

    The only thing I hate about downloading audio books is that it takes ages to finish

  3. wah wahhhhhh.. someone got moozik in his ears now :D

    running with plugged ears are good.. but becareful not to have it too loud... nanti ppl honk pon you tak dengar.

    how long do you run in the morning?

  4. Anny - Ya, ya, now can run and dance la ... LOL!

    I've been running 5K every and followed by workouts single morning except Sundays ... tiring oooooo ...
