Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Was That?

My memory these days is getting from bad to worse. Even Mrs. Spiff is already complaining that I can't remember a single thing and she's absolutely right. She can tell me something in the morning and in an hours time I'll totally forget what it was she said.

Even when it comes to doing my own things, I'll forget most of it. Take for instance this host of tv deals that I'm supposed to go check out. Only this morning I reminded myself to give it a look see and I actually forgot all about it.

I really need to start remembering things or else one of these days I'm going to forget my own name!

My memory these days is getting from bad to worse. Even Mrs. Spiff is already complaining that I can't remember a single thing and she's absolutely right. She can tell me something in the morning and in an hours time I'll totally forget what it was she said ... wait a minute, didn't I already just say that? Good god, see I told you my memory was going from bad to even worse!


  1. oh boyyyyyyyyyyyyy.. you are getting olddddddddddddddddddddddddddd...

    urmm.. i heard gingko biloba helps a little.. but you have to remember to buy it and eat it and remember where you keep it afterwards.. *LOL* and that would be too much trouble. Forget the bilobas.

  2. i heard gingko biloba helps sometimes... but you must remember not to buy it and don't eat it sometimes but then.. you must buy it too.. but don't eat it la.

  3. You are probably too tired mentally. Go kasi take Mrs Spiff for a holiday and you'll come back fresh as a biloba.. urmm... while you are away.. kasi posraju the Pebbles over ya :)

  4. Anny - LOL! Yes, I probably would forget where I left it!

  5. Anny - Urmmm, Now I'm getting totally confused la with all this Rocky Balboa ...urrrmmm ... I mean Gingko Biloba talk ... LOL!

  6. Anny - You're probably right but at the moment with all the renovations and stuff going on how to go for a holiday la?

    Ok, ok, I'll posraju Pebbles to you but remember that she is a manja dog that requires hand feeding for dinner ... LOL!

  7. never hand feed your dog... (unless they are not well or not eating).. else you have griefffff grief i say.. *LOL* She'll sit on you and soon rule and run your whole universe.. urmm.. that she is already doing rite?

    abis... you better make friends with some biloba la.. abis

  8. Anny - That dog is already ruling this household la ... LOL! She's like a little princess that must be catered to at all time ... siggghhh ...

    Yes, yes, I think some biloba would be good right now.
