Friday, March 11, 2011

Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head ...

What a nice cool, rainy morning it is. The kind that makes you wanna curl up on bed and snooze the day away. Unfortunately, of all days, I had to wake up earlier than I normally do and head down to one of my clients place to oversee a photoshoot session ... siggghhh ...

Well, that didn't stop me from coming home for a little while to laze around after the shoot. That's one advantage of being your own boss, you can get to do what you like ... LOL! But as much as I would like to stay home all day, I still have to drive back to the office and check out this cool site about flowers in Paterson New Jersey.

Not that I really know anything about flowers, mind you. I couldn't tell a rose from daisy even if it came up and bit me on the nose. All my flower information comes from Mrs. Spiffy :D Ok, it looks like it's time to head back to the office for the day. Thank god it's a Friday though.

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