Saturday, July 2, 2011

Feel Good

It's another race day for me tomorrow and as usual I'm all excited about it. It's the NTV7 Feel Good Run tomorrow and though it's a short 7K run, I can't wait to run it :D It looks to be a fun filled event and hopefully things will go smoothly seeing as how it's the first time they're organizing a race.

I still haven't prepared my stuff for tomorrow just yet. Been a little busy with zapping aliens and checking out decadent birthday gifts for women. The race kit I collected on Friday still hasn't even been opened yet. The number bib doesn't have a number on it and we're supposed to write something catchy but I have no idea what to write. I'll think of something silly later tonight before I sleep ... LOL!

It's a little too late, I know but any suggestions on what to write?

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