Friday, August 3, 2012

The Weekend Is Here

I haven't been running for close to 5 days now and that has to be some sort of record for me. I've been taking a short rest from pounding the pavements to give these old tired legs a little rest before I start on a strenuous marathon training plan.

The rest has also done me a whole lot of good. I'm starting my running again tomorrow, with a nice slow getting into the groove again session. Looking forward to it even though I'm probably going to wake up at an ungodly hour of 5am on a weekend.

I actually can't believe the week went by so fast. I remember reading a leather world tech  magazine on Monday and the next thing know it's Friday already. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I love weekends but as the months go by so fast, so does my age and I'm no longer a young fellow anymore these days.

Anyways, you all have a beautiful weekend, cos I know I will :D

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