It's BBQ Time Again ...

I was just going through some of my old post in my archives and came across one post about a barbecue we had at my buddy Adrian's place. And it rem inded me that we haven't had one for this year yet. In fact during that barbecue session, we kinda made a deal to have one at least once a month and so far, we've not fulfilled that deal!

Maybe I'll give him a call later today and see if we can work something out for this weekend. I just love barbecues. Alway have, always will. Maybe I'll even get them to have it at my place. I used to have it in my place long ago but we moved it to my buddy's house cos he's got a way bigger garden than me and the kids have much more place to run around.

Besides I don't know what happened to my charcoal grill set. I know I have one but I don't now where it is at the moment. I think it's in the store room somewhere. It's not of those huge ones, just a small simple one that you can store in one corner after using it. This particular charcoal grill set is so common here that you can just about find it anywhere. Even the local 'satay' guy by the road side has it ... LOL!

I would love to have one of those Tool Box Grill Charcoal kinds that you see in the picture below but then it would just go to waste cos I'd probably not use it too often.

Tool Box Grill Charcoal

It looks cool and all that but why buy something that's just going to be collecting dust. That's why I buy those cheap charcoal grill ones. They're cheap and even if I don't use it all that often, I won't feel too guilty ... hehehe ... But who knows, maybe one day when I'm rich and have loads of money to throw away, I'll get one for myself. Even if I don't use it, it could turn into a conversation piece or something ... hehehe ...

Ok, now to get on the phone with my buddy and see if we can cook something up for the weekend. Oh and that plumbing problem I had this morning has been fixed. I finally called the plumber and got it fixed this afternoon and now I'm poorer by RM150.00 ... Damn, they do charge quite a bit, maybe I should change my job and start a plumbing business instead!

2 weird comments:

Anonymous said...

You don't really want to be a plumber. It's a real shitty job. I promise.

Anonymous said...

Upset waitress - I think you're absolutely right but with the amount they charge, what's a little crap once in a while ... LOL!