Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto ...

Cruising around in my trusty Rocket ship, I get a beep from Nessa that she's tagged me with this urmmm, What's my Japanese name meme. At first I was skeptical what Spiff was going to sound like in Japanese, but I steeled myself up and decided to give it a try. Afterall if it's lousy, I'll just not do this tag ... hahaha ...

Just kidding though cos the tag is kinda cool and really fun to do, honest, I'm not lying :D I mean you all know how much I 'love' doing tags don't ya? But I found this kinda cool to do. So, after looking through that utterly confusing list of words that would translate my name into Japanese, here is what Spiff means in the land of the rising sun :

Arinokilulu ...

OHMYGOD! What a wuss of a name ... sounds like a cute little Hawaii girls name ... hahaha ... Darn, I was expecting it to be something more manly, oh well ...

So, now I'm going to tag everyone in my blogroll, I know some of you have done this, so feel free to skip it then :) And for those of you who are going to do, make sure you follow the rules below, k?

Instructions :~
  • Add name on the list.
  • Spell out your name using the given Japanese letter.
  • Tag six (6) friends.

1. OSWALD - Moarimeikatate (sounds like america and states. har... har... har ...)

2. CHLOE - Miritamoku (Um... think I still prefer my given name, ha ha)

3. GENG - Jikutoji (Actually, I think it's cute sounding. Arigato gazaimasu!)

4. CONSTANCE - Mimoto arichi katomiku (WOW! Does it sound like an authentic Japanese cuisine? YIKES! I broke it up cos it was quite a mouthful!)

5. DORA - Temoshika (Sounds pretty good huh?! Does it mean beautiful woman?)

6. NESSA - Tokuariarika (macam seterika je... sounds too masculine instead of feminine though)

7. SPIFF - Arinokilulu ... (sounds like something from Lilo & Stitch!)

6 weird comments:

Nessa said...

Arinokilulu??!! Yours sounds more feminine than mine la. Yeah, your Japanese name sure ain't manly... quick, run before them Zorkians catch ya! LOL

Anonymous said...

Nessa - LOL! Yeah, I don't know how I'm going to face those Zorkians now with a name like that ... I wonder who came up with this nonsense in the first place ... hahaha ...

Constance Chan said...

wow, i am speechless... mr Kilulu..

Anonymous said...

Constance - LOL! I'm as speechless as you are!

Ratu Syura said...

I did this meme and noticed your japanese name! It's so funny! Mine's funny too! A real tongue twister! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Syura - LOL! Funny doesn't even begin to describe it. It sounds so girl like la ... LOL!

Yeah, yours is a real tongue twister ... LOL!