I was rooting for the guy to do well, honestly I was. I thought he brought something a little different to the show with his charm and his rasta style locks but alas, he was a disappointment. He just couldn't pick up his game any longer. It was at that stage of the competition that everyone had to bring out their best but sadly he didn't cut. I'm a fan of Bob Dylan's Mr. Tambourine Man and I really thought he could pull it off, but I was sadly mistaken.

Oh well, someone had to go and he was the worse of the lot. To be fair, David Cook didn't do all that good either. You all know I'm a David Cook fan and I expected so much more from him. He didn't do anything with Duran Duran except do an impersonation of Duran Duran! The best of the night easily went to the young David and Syesha. In fact, I thought Syesha was the most improved of the lot! She deserves to be there.
They're going to have Bo Bice perform tonight and I'm not going to miss it for the world. I was rooting for Bo during his time and I'm looking forward to his performance tonight :) That would mean I have to start making my homemade chicken sandwich that I'm planning to have for dinner tonight a little earlier. Ever since I threw away my diet pills, I've been happily eating that all week ... hehehe ...
16 weird comments:
Yeah, he didn't do too well and it was his time I guess. :( Will miss him very the so.
Btw, ur 1st tag is ready for u to claim :P Hehehe
Hi Spiff, I thought David C's first song was very biasa (for him) and the second song was rockin'! Still love the 2 Davids, so no complaints from me abt JC leaving. ;)
I love Syesha and David C! But I guess, David A got more fans that both of them!
Poor Jason!
2 more weeks before the finale. I'm guessing it'll be David vs David. That would be interesting ya. But Syesha is not bad either... I like her :)
Rozella - You have my deepest sympathies. I was rooting for him, honest ... really I was ... hehehe ...
But he made it to the top 4, so that's a good sign isn't it? Well, at least now he's got more time for you ... LOL!
What, the tags are coming in already? You sure work fast, don't ya? ... hahaha ...
Haze - You're right about that. That young David has all the teenage girls swooning over him ... hehehe ... Syesha might just surprise everyone ...
Oh and welcome to my crazy spaceman blog :)
Marzie - Yeah, I have to agree. He sounded like he was doing an impersonation of Simon Le Bon!
Yup, looks like a showdown between the two Davids, but don't discount Syesha just yet, she might spring a surprise or two ...
Nessa - I'm going to agree with you. It looks like a battle between the two Davids. But don't count Syesha out just yet, she looks like she might just spring a surprise on us ... She's been improving tremendously over the weeks and she seems to be peaking at the right time.
syesha might just pull a hatrick! (sorry too much of football!!)
Yeah two Davids are great but my money bet on David C! I think he has the potential to be a super star!
Oh no, Syesha can't be in the Top 2 la, that will just spoil the finale for me. I know she deserves to be in the Top 3, but not Top 2 la. :)
PS. Spiff you've been tagged too! :)
Lxndreasb - Hahaha ... yeah, I think you've got football overdose. You're right though, she just might pull it off ...
Zooropa - I'm with you on David C too. I hope he goes all the way and win it :) But I'm watching out for Syesha, she's getting better ...
Happy weekend to you.
Marzie - Well, let's keep our fingers crossed then ... hehehe ... I'm hoping for a David v David finals too. That would be awesome :)
A tag for me? You hate me don't you? LOL! Thanks, I'll fly over in my rocket ship and check it out ...
hey spiff! that jason guy was a dissappointment, i must say. i love syesha though.. hope she wins! hehe
Osindak - You know something, I'm inclined to agree with you as well. She's getting better by the week and she's peaking at the right time too :D
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