Looking closer at the panel of the blinking light, I notice that it's actually a homing beacon. Ok, just what is it homing on now? Some loot? Hmmm, who knows. That's what it's programmed to do anyway. Gleefully I chuck my ray gun aside and guide my ship towards the beacon. It takes a few minutes but I eventually arrive at the location.

Once there, I see this gleaming silver disk floating in space. Maybe it's a location map or something. using my super duper tractor beam, I grab the disk and insert it into the terminal on my dashboard and what greets me is definitely no treasure map! It's a message from Nessa, telling me I've just be tagged! Darn it! I should have just left that disk floating in space ... LOL!
Now, wasn't that mighty smart of her, suckering me in like that. Everyone just knows how utterly inquisitive and greedy this spaceman can be sometimes. Oh well, now that I've been tagged I might as well do it right away since I have nothing better to do at the moment besides polishing my ray gun. This tag is called the Eight Random Facts meme . Why stop at only 8? Why not 16? Or better yet, 32? LOL! Ok, I'd better keep my big mouth shut before someone actually tags me with a 32 random fact meme!
First and foremost, here are the usual rules. Each of you start with 8 random facts or habits about yourself. Once you're tagged, write a blog post about your own random fact and post these rules. At the end of the post you need to tag at least 64 people ... urrmmm ... just kidding, 8 other suckers ... ahhhhhh ... that would be 8 other wonderful bloggers and include their names. Then once you're done, don't forget to let them know in their blogs that you've thoroughly ruined their entire week by giving them a tag ... LOL! Oh, it's also to tell them to come read your random facts.
Now, without anymore wise cracks, here are the 8 random facts of a slightly crazy spaceman:
1. I love superhero comic books.
2. I love wearing tee shirts to just about everywhere.
3. I'm fascinated by gadgets of every kind.
4. I'm a huge Star Trek fan.
5. I thoroughly dislike incompetent people (unfortunately I happen to know a few too many!).
6. I'm a cleanliness freak.
7. I hate crowds!
8. I work best under pressure (which is a nice way of saying I'm a lazy bum ... LOL!).
And now comes the part I love the most. Spreading this meme to 8 other victims out there ... Let me see who pissed me off in the past week ... LOL! Just kidding, ok! And the lucky eight are:
Shemah of My Sweet Escape
Rozella of Asian Mutt International
Haizum of Serious Scribbles & Silly Sayings
Ethel of Once Upon A Time
Aunty J of Good Things In Life
Adrian of First Time Dad (how could I let you off, buddy ... LOL)
Marzie of Mariuca's Perfume Gallery
Osindak of This Is My Life
14 weird comments:
ooohhhh.. so you calling my fingers FAT is it??? hahahaha.. fat pun fat lah!!
Anyways, thanks for the tag.. I knew my tag list would come in handy. Now.. your tag is on number 12. Honestly, no joke, I write it down so I don't forget.
Well, I guess it's time to get down to it, huh?? :) Don't shoot me with your laser gun just yet okay???
Shemah - LOL! Just kidding okay. But these tags are really good for the fingers, that's what I heard Dr. Phil say anyway ... hahaha ...
You seriously have a tag list? LOL! The amount of tags I owe people, I'd need a whole book la ...
Well, at least I'm number 12, so I can put side my laser gun for now ... LOL!
Someone's been very 'industrious' today, 4th post of the day! Boleh tahan ... hehehe
Thanks for doing this tag, I know I can count on you for doing tags. Easy what dis tag! LOL
You balas dendam becos u know very soon u'll be my #1 target for tags isit? Hahaha Jaga u! :P But thanks anywayz, seems kinda cool! Later I pikir2. Thank God I don't have a list as long as Shem's!
Hola Spiff! My comment disappeared la! :( Anyway thanks for the tag, will get to it asap. Nessa tagged me with this one as well. :)
Spiffy, you have an award too! :D
Nessa - LOL! Not industrious la, just plain free with nothing to do all day ... hahaha ... I was actually thinking of writing a 5th post but ran out of ideas. I know I have tons of tags left to do but I forgot who gave them to me already ... hehehe ...
Easy? What'd you mean easy? Well, ok la, it was slightly easy to do ... hehehe ... Spiff is always the more dependable one compared to that lazy bum of a pig Nick! LOL!
Rozella - Me? Balas Dendam? Whatever gave you that idea? LOL!
You're welcome for the tag. It's the least I could do after that l o o o n n n g g g g tag and also that REALLY difficult tee shirt one you gave me ... hehehe ...
Marzie - What do you mean your comment disappeared? Who's been messing with my comment box, ah? LOL! I've had that happen to me before a few times too ...
Yeah, I know she tagged you but I didn't read properly and thought she tagged your main blog, so I tagged your MPG, but then I checked again and saw that she also tagged MPG, blur case la I. Anyway, you can do this at your main blog if you want, I'm not fussy ... LOL!
Syura - Woohoo, an award for me :D You didn't by any chance also award that bum Nick now did you?
Woot! Thanks for remembering me at times like this.. Hahahahah! OKIE, will do this tag once I'm back okie? :D :D
Ethel - You're welcome. How can I not remember you when it comes to tags ... hehehe ....
Oh, you're not in town? Holiday ka?
wahhh got tag for me? hehe will do it once my brain starts to work! LOL
Osindak - No probs, no pressure to do it. Take your time :D
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