The Colour Of My Mind ...

I'm feeling a little blur today. The mind isn't working and I just feel like sleeping. Now, I'm not sick or anything. I'm just lazy and when I'm lazy my mind doesn't work too well ... LOL! So at times like these I like to just browse around the internet doing random quizzes and stuff and I found this to be perfect for me right now.

It's a little quiz, well not exactly but you answer a few questions and they tell you what colour your mind is. Well, mine happens to be orange. God, I hate that colour. Anyway, here's what it says about the colour of my mind.

Your Mind is Orange

Of all the mind types, yours is the quickest.

You are usually thinking a mile a minute, and you could be thinking about anything at all.

Your thoughts are often scattered and random - but they're also a lot of fun!

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about esoteric subjects, the meaning of life, and pop culture.

2 weird comments:

Nessa said...

Eh, where's the quiz??? My mind's color is probably blue. But then again it could be red...

Anonymous said...

Nessa - Oppsss, I think I deleted the link la ... silly me ... hehehe ... You can find it at blogthings, kalau I tak salah ... :D