While I'm not really bothered about how many props I have and all that as long as I get assignments that can make good money, but I know for a fact that I have a total of 70-80 props at last count. I don't know about the rest of you but I am slightly irritated by this.

What if it happened to all the cash I have in there? I don't really have millions of dollars in there waiting for me to cash out but I do have some and what if one day I log in and discover that my cash balance is a big fat zero? Then what? If it can happen to my props, why not my money, right?
I hope those people at Izea will look into the disappearing props and assure me that whatever money that I have in there is safe. And if you people at Izea are reading this, I happen to think you guys are the greatest and the bestest and please give me more assignments ... LOL! Ok, with my suck up for the day done, I can get back to the serious businesss of blog hopping ... LOL!
Have a great and totally awesome weekend, people :D
8 weird comments:
Well for me its better to be more realistic.
Lotto Sweepstakes - Urmmm, I agree but realistic about what? LOL!
Mine's even worse :*( My blog has 2 props from 143 previously. And I worked hard to earn it... Uwaaahhhh!!
Nessa - That is horrible indeed. But I heard they have new T&C regarding props and you're not allowed to fish for props. Then why bother even having the option if you ask me. Just do away with it if they didn't want people fishing for props. It is a community network too so it's only natural people will want to prop each other and get propped back, right? Sometimes I don't understand their logic la!
@ spiff...
I apologize for the shock that you must have had when you saw your props. The following is a blog post from Ted explaining the reason for the changes
I hope that this answers any questions or concerns that you may have.
Best Regards,
Manager, Customer Love
Gordon - Hey, thanks for dropping by, much appreciated. I checked out Ted's post and it's kinda cleared up my confusion, I think ... LOL!
oh i had the same problem but wat can dey do about it right?
Angeline - Everyone was 'punished' for this issue. I suppose they could probably kick us out of the system if we don't toe the line but I'm not all too bothered about props anyway ...
And welcome to my blog :D
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