A Prop For Ya ...

This is basically a follow up post to the earlier one that I wrote about the missing props. Well, I discovered the reason why I have zero props and a lot of you guys too (some even have a negative zero ... LOL) is because the people at Izea Social Spark has clamped down on prop fishing and updated their terms and conditions on giving and receiving props.

They have decided that you cannot fish for props by leaving comments such as 'a prop for you, hope you'll prop me back too' which is considered prop fishing. So what they did was dock everyones props to zero or even lower cos of this. What a bloody strange thing to do I would say.

Why offer the feature if you can't use it to prop other users? It's not like it's an abuse of the system to get more assignments or anything (maybe it is but I don't see how, call me a doofus if you want). It's just a fun way to get connected with everyone other user in the Social Spark community. It's like a welcome gift so to speak.

So, I'm sorry people. If I do add you as my friend on Social Spark, I'll definitely prop you but whether you get that prop or not is an entirely different matter :D Anyway, just typing the words prop, props or even propped will give you some warning message saying that they've detected spam in your comments and will now erase your hard disk with a thousand smelly armpit fleas or something along those lines ... hehehe ...

But as long as they give me some good assignments, I shall not complain too much. As for right now, I'll have to go find some acne cream that my older boy asked me to get on the way home.

6 weird comments:

Rozella said...

Teenage acne! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rozella - Yeah, I remember my days of teenage acne. And yes, I was a teenager once too, though it's been quite a while ago! LOL!

Mom Knows Everything said...

I was wondering what happened?

Anonymous said...

Tammy - It caught me by surprise too ...

Constance Chan said...

well, i resorted to giving 'thumbs up' until the people say that is considered spam..

Anonymous said...

Constance - That's one way of doing it ...