Flirt, The Hollywood Way ...

I wonder if women really do fall for some of those Hollywood flirting lines that some men use on them. I mean take for instance this line from the show Jerry Maguire between Tom Cruise and Renee Zellweger (whom by the way is another woman besides Mrs. Spiff that I've got a huge crush on ... hehehe ...)

Jerry Maguire: I love you. You ... you complete me. And I just ...
Dorothy: Shut, just shut up. You had me at 'hello' ...

Do these lines really work in real life situations? Do people really speak like that out there in the real world? I don't know, I personally think I'd get a huge slap across my face if I spouted words like that to women out there, not to mention Mrs. Spiff clobbering me with my own ray gun ... LOL!

But if you're the flirting type, I suggest you try out the Ultimate Flirting Championship game before you even try your hand with a real woman. It's a really fun game which is sponsored by Extreme Style by VO5.

You get to play and try out some of those classic movie lines to see if any do indeed work. At least this way you probably won't get smacked by a woman and you also stand a big chance to actually win and get your Victory Hair even!

So go ahead and play the game, embed the widget on your blog even, flirt away in a safe and harmless environment and spare yourself some bodily harm ... LOL!

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