A Nut Of Another Kind

A friend on mine came up to me once and asked me point blank, 'Are You Normal or Nuts?' I pause, stare at him for a few seconds without answering him, trying to weigh what my answer would be. So quick tell me already, 'Are You Normal or Nuts?', he asks again.

'Well, to be honest, I've been told that I can be a little nutty at times', I tell him.

He suggests to me to read this article he's read at Reader's Digest about how not all quirks being a good thing and some may even require professional help. He even gave me an example from the article:

>Sometimes I try to avoid stepping on cracks or spaces between tiles. It's as if I can feel the cracks through my shoes. Seriously, am I nuts?

He does bring up a good point though but I don't think I need any serious help about my quirkiness. I mean one of my biggest quirks would be to eat all the food I don't really like on my plate first and keep the ones that I like to be eaten last. Would you consider that quirk as something that needs professional help? I hope not ... LOL!

Then again, who knows, it could indicate some serious disorder within me. Maybe that's why I have this delusion that I'm the brave and mighty Spaceman Spiff out to rid the world of those ugly Zorkian bugs? But that's not a delusion. I am the brave and mighty Spaceman Spiff, no doubt about that ... hahaha ... ok, ok, I'm delusional but I can't help it, it all that reading I've been doing at Reader's Digest Laughs and all that laughing has kinda messed up my mind a little, but in a good way.

Anyway, back to my quirkiness. Now that I've shared that bit of nuttiness with you, I'd like to hear some of yours. Come on, I'm sure you've all got some weird fact about yourself and I know you're all a little nuts too, especially since you're actually read this post all the way to the end ... LMAO!

4 weird comments:

carolchs said...

weird fact about me? hmmm...let's see....is counting while slicing meat, shallots, garlics, vege, etc considered weird? i do that a lot. if i stop, the counting stops too. but counting resume (back to 1) when slicing continues....

Anonymous said...

Carol - LOL Carol, that is weird. You actually count while cutting? So how many slices have you actually counted up to so far? hehehe ...

carolchs said...

LOL i dont know cos whenever i stop slicing and then start again, counting always starts from 1. But on average...i think i only managed to count till 12. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Carol - LOL! Thanks for the update ... So that means you normally have 12 slices of garlic, shallots, etc, etc, ya? Cool :D