An Angels Work Is Never Done ...

Ok, I'm getting a little fed-up of that Spiff fellow. I know I have to be nice to him since I'm his guardian angel and all that but even us guardian angels have our limits, you know. He's still missing and like Nessa said in one of her comments, he's probably snoozing under some shady tree with that partner in crime of his, Hobbes!

And here I am having to do his work for him. Darn, I should really learn to not be too sarcastic to that sensitive pest! Anyways, let me tell you a thing or two about getting a credit card for small business, that is if you're intending to start one anyway.

Let's put it this way, in this day and age, practically everyone has at least one card in their wallet or purse. And you can do just about anything with them short of eating it. Well, you could try eating it. I heard it tastes good with mayo ... LOL! And being a business owner where you need some development in your company, getting a business card card with the best deals is the way to go.

Ok, maybe it's not the way to go but it sure is a good way of obtaining a starting capital for whatever activity you have planned, get some cash back on costs or simply just to get a credit line to manage your cash flow. One good thing about these cards are that they let you keep your business and personal expenses separated so you don't tend to use them too much for your own needs.

And not forgetting that some of these cards offer quite a bit of benefits such as trade discounts, bonuses and travel rewards. Gee, these cards sure sound like a cool thing to have if you wanna start your own small business. Hmmmm, maybe I should think about starting some kind of business. It'll definitely be a step up compared to having to keep an eye out for pesky spacemen!