A Milky Solution ...

You know, with all that talk going around about how unsafe milk products from China are, this article got me chuckling real hard in the office :D I mean, this is one sure way of solving that problem ...

The next time you pick up an ice-cream you could be indulging in the natural goodness of breast milk.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has approached the ice-cream makers Ben& Jerry's to consider using the milk from newly pregnant mothers instead of cows.

This move is aimed at reducing the harm caused to cows and calves as well as of course making ice-cream a more healthy snack.

PETA wrote a letter to company founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, telling them cow's milk is hazardous and that milking them is cruel.

"We're aware this idea is somewhat absurd, and that putting it into practice is a stretch. At the time same, it's pretty absurd for us to be drinking the milk of cows," said Ashley Byrne, a campaign coordinator for PETA.

But Leon Berthiaume a spokesperson for the company that provides Ben & Jerry's with milk has responded rejecting the idea.

"Milk from cows has long-term health benefits and has been proven to be safe and healthy and an important part of the American diet for generations," he said. "I'm not ready to make that change," He said.

I know at least the cows would be breathing a sigh of relieve after reading this. I wonder if they'll open up positions for people to squeeze out the milk. I'm sure they wouldn't be short of male applicants.

Mrs. Spiff: 'Don't you get any funny ideas, you perverted spaceman you!'

Story courtesy of www.metro.co.uk

4 weird comments:

Nessa said...

Yeah, the men will definitely come flocking in droves...

Not very practical unless they invent a special machine la. But it would be inhumane to put the women under such condition ...

Anonymous said...

Nessa - Hahaha ... you got that right. I'm sure they'd fight and shove to apply for that job!

Ya, imagine how many women they would need to squeeze just to get enough milk for one ice-cream ... hehehe ...

Anonymous said...

Oh the cows may take a rest while those "mummy cow" at home will gear up & get started their "job"! hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Dora - Yeah, those poor cows need a break too once in a while. As it is they're already producing milk for just about every dairy product out there ... LOL!