I'm Backkkkkk ...

Howdy people. I don't know if you remember me, but I'm the Guardian Angel for that Spiff fellow. No, no he hasn't run away again like the last time when I pissed him off. If you've been following his blog you would know what that is all about and if you don't, then shame on you ... hehehe ...

Well, Spiff is out for now chasing after some urrmm, what does he call them? Zorkian bugs or something along those lines. You know, as much as he complains about how much he hates those slimy bugs form Planet Zork, deep inside I think the bum has a soft spot for those critters seeing as how he's always chasing around after them.

Anyways, since he's not around and won't be back till later today, I sort of decided to take advantage of his blog for a bit. You see, the big man up there in charge of us Guardian Angels don't allow us to have blogs. Too much distraction, he says. Gets in the way of our duties, forever complaining ...

*Sound of thunder and flashes of lightning*


'Yikes, sorry boss, I wasn't talking about you ....'

Gee, talk about being touchy. Anyways back to my story. Since he doesn't allow us to blog up there, that doesn't include skimping other peoples blogs and that spaceman is just ripe for the picking ... hehehe ...

Let's see what that spaceman has lying around his blog. What's this? An movie voucher and a free DVD redemption coupon? What is this? Since when did that spaceman start watching the movies? I thought he was more into annoying people.

Gosh, he's even got loads of cable tickets here in his drawer. Actually I'm not all that surprised, watching it through cable TV from the comforts of your own home is such a joy, especially with the many benefits it offers.

I even subscribe to them (but don't tell the big touch guy up there or they'll be hell to pay) but I didn't know that spaceman was doing the same. He's full of surprises isn't he? I wonder if he'll notice that I swiped one of his cable tickets?