I don't really know why but I just love torturing you guys with my riddles, not that any of you have any difficulties trying to answer any of it mind you. So this is my last effort to find a riddle and if you guys get the answer real fast, I'm going to give up on this riddle thing forever and just continue to plunder the galaxy!

This is a story about a girl.
While at the funeral of her mother, she met a man whom she did not know. She thought he was amazing, her dream guy, and she fell in love with him but never asked for his number and could not find him after the funeral.
A few days later the girl killed her sister.
Question: What was her motive in killing her sister?
Give it some thought and let me know your answer without trying to cheat ok :D
32 weird comments:
can i cheat? My brain is fried today... :p
huhuhu.. this is hard, nick! i thought i heard this before but couldn't recall what's the answer.
erm.. i dunno lar, but i'll give it a shot! that guy was her sister's secret bf?
i know, i know i'll get it wrong. SO, pls tell me the answer, k! :)
Happy Sunday to you, nick! :)
lol! she better ask the man for his number else she will kill all family members!!
the answer: so she could see the man again.
I think Emila has answered the riddle! :D
ps. That man better attend the sister's funeral or else... hehehe
I have heard of this riddle before but don't know the answer :)
Anny - LOL! No cheating. Remember, those who cheat get zapped with my ray gun! hahaha ...
Jean - It's actually easy :D Just need to really read carefully ... hehehe ...
Jean - Good try but nope :D Try again ... hehehe ...
Jean - Hahaha ... be patient, the answer will be revealed soon :D
Jean - Happy Sunday to you too :D
Emila - Wah, that's a cool answer :D I'll reveal the answer in a new post cos ada twist sikit ... hehehe ...
Nessa - Could be, could be not :D You'll just have to wait till I do a post on the answer cos ada suspense sikit ... LOL!
Mei Teng - Yeah, this one has been around for a while. I actually got the answer right the first time I read it ... not that I'm happy with it. Tune in for tomorrow's post to get the answer :D
didya cheat too Spiff? *lol* i know u didddddddddddddddd... u dun haveta tell the others.. its just between us two.. who cheat and are thieves ;p
hehehe, can't wait for the answer, spiffy!!!
My answer is same as Emila's...
The funeral drove her insane?
Anny - But ... but ... but ... I didn't cheat. I actually knew the answer ... LOL!
Emila - The answer coming soon, just hang in there ... hehehe ...
Aki - Same answer as Emila, huh? Well stay tuned for the reveal :D
Savante - LOL! Good try but nope. Stay tuned for the answer :D
U dooooooooooo? When are you telling us the answer la... i am waiting for daysssssssss and dayssss... and and and.. no answer yet.. ru still trying to google for the answer? hhahahahahhahahaa
Aiyah... apa ni so long to put up the answer??!! Today is the 25th oredi you know. Faster before I turn into an Incredible Hulk!! Wuaargggghhh... Grrrrrrr....
hahahhahahhaa.. Incredible Hulk polak si Nessa.. hahhahahaa.. giler suspensenyaaaaa..
mai kita berdua pergi cari Spiffy and kasi zap sama dia... :D baru dia tau padahnya kasi kita suspense :D
mari Nessa.. let's gooooo
Anny - Sabar, sabar. The answer will be out soon ... hehehe ...
Nessa - Aiyo ... sabar Nessa, sabar. Don't la turn into a Hulk nie ... LOL! I'd better get the answer out soon if I don't wanna get wallop by the Hulk ... hehehe ....
Anny - Tu la, now I'm scared oredi. I'd better put the answer out soon if I wanna live to see another day ... hehehe ...
Anny - Wah, cannot like that. Mana boleh gang up on poor old Spiff? LOL!
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