Ok, in my previous post I had a riddle about what was the motif of this girl for killing her sister. Just in case any of you don't know what I'm talking about, go read the previous post first so you won't be in the dark.
Well, most of you got the answer wrong which really is a good thing. Trust me on this one :D Now, only two people got the answer correct and that is Emila and Aki. They both said that the reason the girl killed her sister hoping that the guy would appear at the sister's funeral so she could see him again.
Well, bravo to the two of you but don't start celebrating just yet cos if you actually answered this correctly, yes Emila and Aki, that's you, then you guys think like a psychopath. This was a test used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers have taken this test and answered it correctly.
Now, with that in mind, remind me to have my trusty old ray gun handy the next time I visit your blogs ... hahaha! As for the rest of you, aren't you guys glad you couldn't answer this riddle correctly :D But then, I have a little confession to make. I actually had the same answer as Emila and Aki the first time I tried this riddle which makes me just as crazy as the two of them ... muahahaha!
And with that I present Emila, Aki and urmmm also myself with this prize ... LOL!

36 weird comments:
u too? serial killer? *lariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* thank god i m just a thief :D
now i got be extra careful with my words.. with u.. emi and aki.. takutnya...
let's go n hide Nessa... spiff got a ray gun!
looks like some warpath here... *sneaking and peeking*
take it ez ye Spiffy... Nessa and i won't gang up on u laa.. three of us like zap-frens :)
i oredi knew the answer earlier.. *lol* (google IS my best fren)... just pushing u to see if u crack under pressure.. but no.. u rise up to the challenge! i salute u!
haha! I am the smartest one! I refuse the answer the riddle in the previous post although i knew the answer! Not that I have the mind of a serial killer, it's just that I heard this riddle before and learnt about the answer : )
Now the answer's familiar...hahha.
this is so creepy! n exciting at the same time. i sorta adore the mind of a psychopath all these while. guess there are many hidden ones around us. :p
Hahaha!! Nasib baik I didn't answer correctly! Anny, you & I hafta be careful with Spiff, Aki and Emila from now on ;)
Anny - Ya Anny, me too ... LOL!
Anny - Hahaha ... yes, be more careful of the 3 of us. Run far, far and hide ... muahahaha ...
Constance - LOL! Sneaking and peeking just might be a good idea :D
Anny - Hehehe ... I knew you cheated ... LOL! But I don't blame you, I would have cheated too but unfortunately I just happened to answer correct and be labeled as a serial killer ... hahaha ...
Foongpc - Come on buddy, just admit it, you have serial killer tendencies just like Emila, Aki and me ... LOL!
Mei Teng - LOL! Good thing you didn't answer huh :D
Levian - Hahaha ... yeah, they could be one next to you right now, we don't know how people secretly think inside ...
Nessa - Hahaha ... ya, Emila, Aki and Spiffy, the 3 serial killers from hell ... you guys better run far, far away and hide out ... LOL!
I always known that someday I'll be a serial killer like you said... so be alarmed! LOL!
Naahh.. in my entire life.. I've only kill ants and bugs so far... so maybe I'm an insects serial killer... haha...
Killer instinct is something that you are born with... I'm proud of being one!
Aki - LOL!I pernah kill a lizard before so I think I'm one up on you in the killer department ... hahaha ...
Hahahahha I watched too much CSI, The Shield..I can even smell a psychopath just by looking at them!!!
Emila - LOL! Alamak, that means you probably can smell me cos I'm half a psychopath already la ...
ah yes!!! now i rem, nick!! see!! i told u i've heard this before. but too bad for me i forgotten abt the answer. :P good one, nick! :)
Jean - Well, good thing you forgot, otherwise you'll be like Amelia, Aki and myself, serial killers ... LOL!
Urmmm... siapa kah 'Amelia' tu Spiff?? :P
Amelia tu nama kakak saya. Why is she here? ahaha
Emila Yusof le.. hahahhahaa.. That's Spiffy's "special name" for Emi when he forgets.. hahhahahahahaa
Ohhhh ahahah, spiff made a freudian slip
Nessa - Alamak! Amelia is one of my work clients la ... I'm forever confusing Emila and her ... LOL! Mati la like this, malu nyer call Emila salah nama ... some mor3e she got serial killer tendencies lagi .. hahaha ...
Bem69 - Alamak, your sister lagi tu ... hahaha ...
Anny - LOL! I'm totally embarrassed as it is by the mistake already la ... give me a break la ... hehehe ...
Bem69 - Yes, yes, even us spacemen do make mistakes at times ... hehehe ...
Hehe how much does an axe cost nowadays?
Emi Emi.. i got a small axe in the garden.. will tat do?
Now is cut cost time.. no need to buy.. :D
Emila - LOL! I really don't know la, but I can find out for you :D
Anny - Hahaha ... Anny, don't la go and encourage Emila lagi tu ... LOL!
A serial killer is always encouraged and pushed to the limits.. by situations... ;) wahhahahahhahahhahahaaa
Anny - LOL! Don't let Emila hear you say that ... hahaha ...
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