So instead, I thought I'd put up an optical illusion. It's not really an optical illusion, it's more like a 'what do you see in the picture' thingy. So, putting on your seeing glasses and tell me what you see. As usual, the winner will get my grand prize of absolutely nothing but fame and recognition on my blog ... LOL!
And talking about optical illusions, Nessa when you gonna post one of your 'menjulingkan mata punya gambar'?

52 weird comments:
Urmmm... I see a crazy spaceman chasing some Zorkian bugs!! Am I riteeee????
urmmmmmmmm.. it looks like a picture of the wall you just cemented.. *KKK*
now i am seeing a cat.. and a pig... and even casper.. hahhahahaa.. look what u've done to me and my tiny brain.. now u got me all screwed up! *LOL*
Nessa - Hahaha, where got la, you have to look carefully, then you'll get the picture. Get it? Get the picture ... LOL! I crack myself up ... Hahaha!
Anny - LOL! You might have a point there, you know, but I don't know how to cement wall la!
Anny - Hahaha, Casper? Where? Now you've got me squiting my eyes to see if I can find Casper! LOL!
oh my..i see a fierce dog showing all the teeth and wanna bite me...scary...
serious i dono at is it?
casper is on the top right having a tete-a-tete with the pig.. *LOL* dooooooooooo u see it?
I see, The Punisher. Or something from the comicbook of The Punisher.
Ken - Hahaha! No la Ken, it's not a dog. But good try. I would have said somebody spilled ink .. LOL!
Anny - LOL! Mana ada Casper la AnnyBoo. I still can't see la ...
Urrrmmm, did you say Casper was having a tete-a-tete with a pig? Hahaha!
Bem - The Punisher? Let me go see ... hmmm, you might have a point but alas, not it's not! :D
Heheheh I know I know.. thanks to Google! Yay!
urmm... Bem Bem.. u mean google ado answer ko? oooooooooooOOOO... me going me going...
errr...but i still think its a casper with a pig :D
Bem - LOL! And I thought AnnyBoo was the Google queen ...
Anny - Yeah, the fellow Googled it. Quick, quick you better go Google it too ... LOL!
Ok, ok, it's Casper with a pig. But urrmmmm, what about the swine flu ah?
urm... i did *LOL*
and and its not even casper... BUT.. it sure looks like casper having a conversation with a swine :)
i'm beginning to think that H1N1 got to me finally... HALPPPPPPPP!
Spiff turned into some hideous monster baring his fangs? Haha..;)
Looks like a really attractive skull :)
I see a cow!
Anny - LOL! Ok, ok I'm sure you saw Casper.
LOL! H1N1, maybe you should check yourself into a hospital la AnnyBoo ... hehehe ... Just kidding, ya.
Mei Teng - Spiff hideous? LOL! You might have a point there ... hahaha!
Grace - Hmmmm, not bad, it does look like an attractive skull ... hehehe ...
Welcome to my blog by the way :D
Carol - Step right up ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
Yes, Carol, Moooooooo to you too :D You're absolutely right :D
For that, you win my prize of absolutely nothing but fame and recognition here on my blog.
All hail Queen Carol. We humbly bow at your feet ... hehehe ...
urm.. there was a "nearly" possibility last week.. hehehe.. but one week suda over.. so i shud be all clear :)
congrats to Cheguuuuuuuuu :)
Anny, apa tu 'hearly'??
Wah, chegu juga la! *tepuk tangan*
Now dat chegu mentioned it, it does look like a cow... Moooooo!!!
hehehe.. nearly la.. hahahahha
OMG! I reali thot I saw 'hearly'. I badly need new glasses la :(
Anny - Really ah? Good thing you're alright. Keep away from them swines ... LOL!
Nessa - It's nearly la ... I think your monitor and the quotation marks makes the n look like an h.
Nessa - Yes, a big clap to Carol. Memang Chegu :D
Anny - LOL! I think Nessa needs to do that Lasik thing la ... hehehe ...
Nessa - LOL! Don't worry la, I also thought I saw it as hearly ...
Anny - Yes, Carol tu memang pandai :D, congrats to her :D
kita semua ni... back ache.. mata rosak.. urmm urmm.. lagi apa yang ada? hahhahahaa.. kita dah tuaaaaaaaa laaa.. abis abis...
Yalor, tua oredi... mata rabun, gigi patah, muka kedut, rambut putih, etc! Abis laaa... :*( :*(
Anny - True la, we all tua sudah ... LOL!
Nessa - Hahaha! You described me perfectly la!
gigi oso patah? hhahhahahaha... tat tops it *LOL* urmm.. my gigi also patah :D
Dom pon sama jugo.. gigi patah.. hahhahaa
Itulah Anny... you bagi Dommy makan kayu aka Greenies, now his gigi suda patah!! Hehehehe
Anny - Hahaha ... soon we all have to eat porridge cos takde gigi oredi ...
Nessa - Hahaha ... Nessa has a point there la Anny. But Dommy seemed to be enjoying eating that though :D
I knew the answer from google, but I can't for the life of me, find the cow in the pic! LOL!
Lovely mute piece, to me it's like rock climbing!
Bem - LOL! I'll put up a pix of the answer soon ...
Yoon See - Rock climbing? LOL! It does look like it now that you mentioned it.
haha.. i see a face! :P like an alien face.
anyway, you've just been tagged! Enjoy! :)
Jean - LOL! You mean it looks like me, Spiff, The Spaceman?
Jean - I have? LOL! Thanks for the tag. I'll drop by soon to check it out :D
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