Anyways, like I said, Carol got it spot on which for the life of me I can't figure out how she did it cos even I couldn't figure it out the first time I looked at it. I guess Carol must love cows a lot ... hehehe ...
But she is the undisputed champion of seeing things others can't see so I'll give her special recognition and publicity over here seeing as how I'm too cheap to actually offer any real prizes. LOL!
For those of you who don't know who Carol is, just click her blog image below and you'll be led there. Mind you, she's a real Chegu, so don't go trying to bully her!

Ok, now even though good old Bem cheated, urrrmmm, I mean researched the answer on Google, he still couldn't see where in heavens name the cow is. So for his benefit, here's where the cow is hidden :D Now you see it Bem?

32 weird comments:
oooooooooooooOOOO.. di situ laaa si moo tuh... patutlaaaa tak nampak ye.. hahaha
Anny - Ya, that's where the moo was hiding :D
... 76,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86 ...
I still don't see a cow! It looks like a blob to me. Congrats Carol, I mean Chegu
keep counting Spiffy... it won't be long... ops! i see u missed a number here too... *KKK*
ooOOoo now i know. dasat lah angle moo tuh sampai tak nampak
Woot! Woot!
I won??
I cant believe it?
Am I suppose to deliver a speech?
I dunno why, but the image of the cow head seemed jerking out when i had a first look at it. LOL!
Thanks for the publicity.
Unfortunately, my blog site is currently 'off-air' again.
Something to do with me changing me hosting server.
Will be back pretty soon!
So many typo in my first comment.
Ignore saja lah ya Nick. :)
Oh btw, thanks to Nessa as well cos if not for her love for 3-D images, i would not end up giving lots of 'sesi menjulingkan mata' to my students. And that includes images like what u have posted. So yeah, in short..I've been trained 'hard' to see these kind of images. LOL!
p/s: Nessa, when are u going to post up your famous 3-D images again?
Go chegu carol! Go chegu carol!
It is damn hard to see the cow =.=''
Do you exchange link?
urmmm.. where is everyone? suda pergi holiday ka? pelik ^o^
Nessa also hilang jugo satu hari.. peliknyaaa... i think mungkin Nessa computer kaputted finally...
Holy cow, there it is! Eh where got I cheat, I researched only, right Anny?
right Bem! we are researchers and problem solvers... urmmm.. not cheaters.. hehehehhee :D
where r yoooo Spiffy...'s a cow...puas aku teka...
Tellie - LOL! It looked like a big blog to me too until I actually saw the answer ...
Anny - Oh man, you mean I have to start all over again? LOL!
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ...
Soulie - Hehehe ... Yeah, it was well concealed ...
Carol - Yay, the winner is here :D
Yes, yes, must make a speech ... LOL!
You're welcome Carol. After all you did get the answer right and the least I could do with my cheapskate image is to feature you blog here ...LOL!
Carol - Urrmmm, really ah? Got typos? I couldn't spot even one bu then that's not surprising with my level of Engrish, urrmm,Enlish, urrrrmmmm, English ... hehehe ...
Carol - LOL! Yes, thanks to Nessa. Actually those 3D images drove me mad trying to decipher them ... LOL!
Hahaha ... you mean you make your students suffer just like what Nessa puts us through?
Ethel - Go, Chegu, go ... LOL!
Laikepo - It is, it really is, well unless you cheat and Google the answer of course ... hehehe ...
Welcome to my blog by the way :D
Anny - I'm here, counting grass la ... LOL!
Anny - Nessa helping me count grass too ... LOL! And it's all your fault. I must become a monk cos I need to know what's behind that door! LOL!
Bem - Yes, Bem, I believe you ... LOL!
Anny - Hahaha ... if I believe that, I'll believe there is a Santa claus ... wait a minute, there is a Santa Claus! LOL!
Anny - I'm here, I'm here ... hehehe ... Actually I went out of town for a short holiday la. Will post all about it soon :D
Ken - LOL! Yes, it's a cow. Even I couldn't guess la ...
actually i knew la just pretend only la...~LOL~
Ken - Yeah Ken, I believe you ... hehehe!
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