I wasn't intending to get online and post anything but I was out shopping at Tesco (yes, Anny, I still go to Tesco) and I came across this bunting hanging on the road. I just had to stop the car and have Mrs. Spiff take an image of it. Can anyone (especially males) please tell me what a Mann Cream is? For the benefit of the few foreign readers that I have +saiz means plus size, lama means long lasting and kuat means strong.

And here's a little hint of where I went for my short holiday with Mrs. Spiff. I'm sure you all can guess where :D

36 weird comments:
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh... so lomantic.. beh tahan.. hahhaa..tats in hokkien :)
err.. i meant the writings on the sand.. tat was lomantic.. the other pic... was.. errr.. err.. no comment ^o^
Wahhhhhh romantic it seems Spiffy!!! :):):)
Wahhhhhh romantic it seems Spiffy!!! :):):)
Oh no sorry for the double comment!
So where did u guys go? Vakasi!!
Oh no, now I oso feel like a getaway he he! :)
The sand message is so sweet!
Holiday at beach la...err maybe a beach in the galaxy somewhere ;)
wah! went away for mini holiday!!! good for both of you!! I balik kampung only last weekend.
phewiitt!! holiday at the beach :) Spiffy, i took a photo of the same advertisement hahaha (http://soulfon.blogspot.com/2009/07/banana-cream.html)! hahaha!
Mann cream?? Berkesan ka ni??? LOL!!!
Well Spiff, you are actually helping the guy promoting his man cream... hahaha
Anny - Hehehe ... Sometimes this spaceman needs to be a little romantic la to Mrs. Spiff :D
Cool, now I know how to speak Hokkien :D
The other pix just had to be taken la. I'm still laughing my head off reading it ... LOL!
Marzie - Hehehe ... sometimes ada la ...
Marzie - Hehehe ... sometimes ada la ...
LOL! I couldn't resist answering your double comment ...
Marzie - No worries :D I've done that often enough too ...
Marzie - We just went to PD aje. Nearest place that didn't need to spend hours driving too ... We had a great time though. Me and the Genie King practically lazed in the pool all day until I got the sniffles now ... hehehe ...
Marzie - Didn't you just have a nice long vakasi? LOL!
Mei Teng - Thank you :D No la, it's on planet Earth ... Port Dickson only :D
Emila - Yeah, it was on short notice too. Really needed a break from all the work I have, office and freelance both. I enjoyed myself though :D
Soulie - Hehehe ... holiday at the beach it was. And a fun one too :D
You did? Cool, I'll come and read it right after this. It was too good not to post la ... LOL!
Nessa - Don't know la, never tried yet ... hahaha!
Well, I don't mind helping the guy out. It was too good to be passed upon la ... LOL!
Saiz, lama dan kuat? Gambar banana lagi that! Wuahahahahaha Boleh tahan lah! Maybe it's trying to hint something-something no? Wuahahahahaha
But wah romantic juga you ah...tsk, tsk, tsk. Lagi I sakit the hati this becos sempat I went to get my fortune read while I was in KL and it said that marriage will be delayed! Hahahahahaha
Rozella - Hahaha ... that's what I thought too. I just couldn't resist putting up the pix here ...
Rozella - Aiya, don't la you go believing fortune tellers. After all you are Foxie Rozie what ... LOL! And don't forget to invite me when you get married, ya ... hehehe!
wah u went to PD! some more so romantic ;)
Wow! Didn't know you are so romantic! Holiday by the sea?
The ad is funny. haha!
Monica - Yeah, it was PD and I had a great time :D
Foong - What? You didn't know spacemen can be romantic too? ... hehehe ...
OMG Spiff, i didn't know that you are the lovey dovey type couple..message on a sand??..oh..
Sungguh tak percaya..*faint*
hi...spiff,...si org Angkasa..it's me Jia...no wonder x nampak u kt blog emi...u went for holiday ya...island lagi..balik sure rentung man..
hemy - Hahahahaha ... jangan la sampai faint pulak.
Adalah sikit-sikit lovey-dovey juga, not always the crazy gila spaceman ... hehehe ...
Aziha - Hi Jia :D Not island la, just Port Dikson je ... hehehe ...
Actually I busy, that's why haven't been at Emila's blog, nanti tonight I go spam her comment box ... hehehe ...
why on earth they put banana pix on the board??????? HAHHAHAHA like got other meaning saja..LOL!
Hmm..Mr. Spiff love Mrs. Spiff.. that's soooo sweet.. :)
Kadusmama - Memang ada other meaning tu ... LOL!
oh. LOL
TH - LOL too!
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