Anyways, during lunch, just after I finished going through the piano sheet music, I decided to read the newspaper to see what was happening in the world. Can you imagine my surprise when I happen to come across this article about a T-shirt I won at Emila's quite sometime back.

After consulting with my trusty 'Chinese to English' dictionary, I found out that Emila has completed the T-shirts for all those who participated in her Australia post quite sometime back. I managed to squeeze in my entry and win a nice iron on T-shirt from her. I hope she remembered to make my large to fit my humongously fat body!
I can't wait for my T-shirt to arrive though. But take your time sending it Emila, I know you're very busy with your work. I'll have to be careful not to wear it to Tesco though, otherwise Annyboo will be hiding there waiting in ambush to trip me ... hahaha!
Anyways, I'd like to say thank you Emila. The last month alone I won quite a few stuff from you and now this. This just made my weekend :D Now, please keep making this a habit, ok Emila? LOL!
43 weird comments:
Wahhhhhhhh.. your mandarin terror man! I can't read Mandarin.. now i gotta go get the kid to read for me... aiyaaaaaaaaaa...
urmmm.. if ur gonna wear this tee to Tescos.. not me... but Bem...Bain.. Nessa... the rest of the world would be looking out for you.. hehehehhehe.. tat wud be so cool ya!
btw.. u got to to big big tesco or the one beside the swimming pool tesco in shah alam?
How come the spiff name's on the paper? Was it photoshopped?? ;P
Happy weekend!
I was busy then and was very down so I did not enter this, if not i probably would get something too =(
Annyboo - LOL! I can't understand a single word la ... the wonders of a simple and great software called Photoshop ...
Anny - What? You all want to trip me? Oh man, I gotta be careful la at Tesco from now on ... LOL!
No la, the swimming pool one I don't like la ...
Mei Teng - LOL! Yes, it was photoshopped la ... I don't think I'm popular enough to really make the papers ...
Happy weekend to you too ...
Ken - Wah, nasib baik for me la ... if you join, I sure cannot win one ... hehehe ...
oooooooo... so u go to the tesco near my ole place :D i used to go to the other one near the pool.. no wonder i never see u and mrs spiff before.. hehehe.. lucky la u :)
Anny - I don't know where your old place is so I'll just take your word for it ... LOL!
I actually go to all the Tesco's, depends on my mood la ...
lol spiffy!!! hahahaha funny!!
no worries spiffy, it's hard to break the habit!!
cheh, bikin suspen jer..
Spiff, you did a good job, Soulie thought it was real at first glance hahah
Always, always get baju yg one size small so that it motivates you to kuruskan badan. Hehehe Suppose to work lah, but uh...normally tidak jadi also!
But cool oh the tee. I also want!
Btw, I quit entrecard. Find it a hassle.
Cantek T-Shirt! Can pinjam or not?? Spaceman where got pakai TShirt... you all wear spacesuits only... hehe
LOL@ Rozella. If I buy baju one size too small, forever la I kenot wear it.
Emila - Hehehe ... thanks :D And thanks for the T-shirt too :D
Emila - That's good to know, now I can try to win more prizes from you ... hehehe ...
Khemy - LOL! Ala, must la berlagak sikit, I won an Emila T-shirt tau ... hehehe ...
Bem - I did? Cool, now if only I can do as good with those notes I'm forging ... hahaha ...
Just kidding, I have to add this, in case the authorities think I'm really forging anything ... hahaha!
Rozella - Aiyoooooo, if I wear tight t-shirt, it's gonna emphasize my perut buncit lagi la ... hahaha!
Rozella - Thanks ... for a huge fee, I can sell it to you ... hehehe!
Mei Teng - Thanks for the update.
Nessa - Ada Nessa, sometimes we go Tesco one, you know la how dangerous it is for me in Tesco with 'people' waiting in line to trip me ... LOL!
Haha! One look at the newspaper and I know you're bluffing! : )
aah..betul la...Suspen betul... :)
nice photoshopping anyway...cheh!!..x sangka tertipu....*banging head on the desk*
no worries...i'm not really that good with art too ;P but anyway it's history now hahahah
Foong - Of course la I was bluffing. I'm not popular even to masuk newspapers la ...
Foong - What? You don't belive I have a Chinese-English dictionary? LOL!
Aziha - LOL! Jangan la bang youhead on the desk ... It wasn't meant to tipu anyone ... hehehe ...
TH - Hehehe ...
Ken - Takpe, I pinjam you my Spiff T-shirt ... LOL!
pinjam je? kasi la...LOL
Ken - Hahaha ... where can give one ...
yay I got mine but not yet iron, how bout you?
TH - I got mine too :D
Congrats Spiff.
What a glorious news!
Soory, all the blogs are slow loading just now including mine.
I come back to read more...He..he..
So tire, just came back from teaching, I was having s long discussion with the parents until 11.15pm due to students not practising!
I came across this site too-piano sheet music!
Yeah, cool!
I am so happy you shared so many great news to us.
I am new at EC and I love to
drop EC to you:)
Still learning!
Good night!
Yoon See - Thank you :D
Don't worry, once you get started with EC, you won't stop ... hehehe ...
Yoon See - :D
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