Take on the likes of Ferrari, McLaren-Mercedes and Renault? Just who are they kidding?
'The Malaysian-owned team will also mark the return of Proton-owned Lotus, the prestigious constructors who left F1 in 1994.' - The Star online.
What? This from the very same company (Proton, I mean) that's synonymous with it's power windows that don't work and countless other grievances? Imagine the F1 cars they produce? You just might see some a wing or two dropping off the car ... LOL!
'This is where the cars will be designed, manufactured and tested. It will be ‘Made-in-Malaysia, by Malaysians’ and of course, the pit-stops will be run by Malaysians.' - The Star online.
A total Malaysian run pit crew. Now this I would like to see!
'The 1Malaysia F1 team will be a partnership between the Government and the private sector.' - The Star online.
Don't we have anything better to use our money for? At times when all the other F1 team are thinking of ways to cut costs due to the financial crisis, we go and jump right into this extremely expensive sport? Pure genius!
Forgive me for being skeptical but when it comes to Malaysia and sports, I have my doubts. I don't normally write stuff like this on this blog. Usually that annoying Nick fellow is the one who posts stuff like these but I just couldn't help it.
22 weird comments:
One word - PRIDE.
Mei Teng - Pride? More like utter stupidity la!
aiks! and i was wondering who the toothless grinning ole chinese guy is... hahhahahahhahahaa..
urmmmm urmmmm.. F1 ka? urmmmmm.. urmmm... with $$$$$ we could hire all the experts.. and hide them in the background what... can be done.. Malaysia Boleh!
urmmm.. ummm.... i dun think F1 cars dun have power windows rite? *phew* one less problem outta the window... *phew*
A total Malaysian run pit crew?? WOW! i wanna be a pit crew too... i just wanna be the one giving water to the driver to drink :D i dun do well with tyre changing... urmm.. urmm.. do u think i habe a chance?
I think F1, the Wheelbarrow version lagi best... Malaysia sure menang one.
pssst, Anny... give water tak best la... jadi grid girls la best, boleh pegang umbrella some more... ekekeke
Anny - LOL! Yeah, that toothless old is kinda funny looking.
Anny - Actually, I think that's what they intend to do, hide all the foreign experts in the background.
Anny - Hahaha ... thank god those F1 cars don't have power windows, if not mati la! But then again, maybe the drivers helmet visors might just fail ... LOL!
Anny - Hahaha ... Do they have a position for giving water to the driver? I can't really remember la ...
Nessa - Hahahahahahahaha ... wheelbarrow version, that's a good one. I think even that they would screw it up la!
Pegang umbrella and pakai baju yang ketat-ketat and pendek-pendek tu? Best, best! LOL!
Got got.. there's always one fella in full crew pit uniform.. but his job is just to give the driver water to drink.. hahhahahaaa.. urmmm...kinda hold the water botoi while the drive sip very fast.. hehhehee..
gird gurls ka? if i layak.. there won't be any more grid gurls in the planet and no one will want to watch F1 anymore.. *LOL* People do go to F1 just to watch the grid gurls with those big umbrellas.. esp. the hamsap photographers.. hhahahahaa.. u actually think they went to see the F1 race ka?
matilaaa aku lepas ni... hahahhahahaaa
urmmm.. Spiffy... u wanna join the grid gurls too? in the ketat-ketat and pendek-pendek uniform? *LOL* u dun qualify laaa.. *LOL* mebbe Pebbles bole la
Anny - Whoa cool, like that I also want to be waterboy for the 1Malaysia pit crew la ... LOL!
Hey I watch F1 for the cars la not the grid girls you know ... urmmm, well maybe once in while I peek at them too la ... hahaha!
Anny - Not me la Annyboo, I don't think I'll look good in ketat-ketat, pendek-pendek baju la ... hehehe ...
Malaysia Boleh! Haha!
Foong - Hahaha, Malaysia Boleh!
urmm.. i dun think u'll look good in grid gurls ketat-ketats too.. *LOL*
Anny - I don't think so too la ... LOL!
This are the exact lines that I was laughing at when I read the newspapers on our 1Malaysia F1 pride! I wonder would the Italians name themselves 1Italy for the F! team ever?!! Malaysia BOleh!
Eiling Lim - LOL! Yup, Malaysia Memang Boleh!
Btw, welcome to my blog :D
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