It's the most despicable thing a spaceman could ever do. I'll be the laughing stock of the galaxy if not the universe when news about this leaks out. I'll be kicked out of the 'G.R.O.S.S.' (Get Rid Of Slimy GirlS) club. Hobbes will take over dictatorship of the club!
I'm doomed, doomed, really doomed I tell you! Susie Derkins is going to think I've lost it. The world is going to laugh at me and they'll repossess my rocket ship underpants. How did I get into this mess. Why oh why did I sit through an ENTIRE episode of Desperate Housewives and actually start liking it???????????
Now I'm hooked on the series and am gleefully and anxiously waiting for next week's episode! OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! This is the end of me. Darn you, Desperate Housewives, why did you have to be so darn interesting! Siggghhh ...

20 weird comments:
HAHAHHAHAHAHHAA... u too? i urmm.. urmmm.. got hooked by Desperadoooo Housewives too *LOL* but would rather prefer Grey's Anatomy over it :D
*phew* and i tot u were going to End the blog *phew*
oh.. u must be having a fantabulous friday ye? hhehehe.. Happy Weekend to you and missus :D
Anny - Yeah, me too. I watched it last week and now I'm hooked! Oh, the shame ... LOL!
What? Me quit this blog? Naaahhh, not so soon la ... hehehe ...
Anny - Yup, I always have great Friday's la ... hehehe ...
A happy weekend to you and your doggies :D
LOL....Happy weekend to you,Spiff.
Mama Mia - A happy weekend to you and your family too :D
I quit Desperate Housewives at season II :( If i watch at TV too many ads, but when i wait for download version nobody wants to download this series anymore *sob!sob!*
Oh my, Desperate Housewives eh? Spiff, you must be going thru a phase.
Soulie - Well, I'm just beginning to get hooked on it so I'll see how long that lasts ... hehehe
Bem - You know buddy, I think you're absolutely right :D
I followed the 1st two seasons of DH. Then I got distracted... much like watching Lost. But yeah, the latest season is pretty interesting. I was shocked to find out the Scavo twins so 'besar-besar' oredi! LOL
They (Porter and Preston) look like Matt Damon, don't you think??
Wah! This must be Mrs. Spiffy's work but yay...welcome to the club!! So which season you're at???
Nessa - Urmm, who the heck are the Scavo twins? I only just started last week la Nessa, not yet familiar with the characters ... LOL!
I don't know, I never liked lost, half the time the plot just got me lost! LOL!
I'll see how long until I get bored of this Desperate housewives show :D
Marzie - Hahaha ... it is, it is! Actually I don't even know what season it is to begin with ... LOL!
Aiyoh, the twins la.. mana ada other twins lagi in DH? Lynette punya twins, one of them accused of causing fire tuuuu... hehe
Happy Tuesday Spiffy!
it's ok what to watch DH!!! There's a bunch of hubbies in the series to begin with heheheheh
Nessa - Urmmm, mana la I tau. I only just started watching the show la ... hehehe ...
Yoon See - Happy Tuesday to you too :D
Emila - You're absolutely right there ... LOL!
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