Unsettled Business ...

It's only the second day of the year and I feel like going for a vacation already. I just got back to the office after meeting wifey at the boys school just now to sort out all their things. As most of you know school starts today but classes proper starts tomorrow. Today was just reserved for the assigning of their classes, paying all their fees (this one still befuddles me cos I thought school fees were free over here), sorting out their extra curricular stuff and things like that.

The whole process took nearly half a day, well for me it was more like an hour plus but wifey was there from this morning and when our turn finally arrived, all it took was 5 minutes to get everything done. But poor wifey was left waiting for hours to get things done for her turn and even by the time I got there which was close to 11am, she still wasn't done yet and she was on the verge of collapsing from tiredness!

So, I took over the waiting while she found a place to sit for a much needed breather. I had to wait another 45 minutes before we finally managed to see my sons class teacher and settle all his fees and stuff, well almost settled that is. She still needs to go again tomorrow cos the free text books for my sons class had some 'complications' (their word for being inefficient!) and were not available when all reports prior to this said that all school going children would have their free text books waiting for them on the first day of school! That will teach me not to believe what I read in the media too much!

And so, by the time everything was over, it sure looks like both wifey and me are going to need a vacation again soon ... LOL! And by pure coincidence I was checking my mailbox today and saw this site that was promoting vacation rentals. How cool is that. They had a few I could choose from like Myrtle Beach vacation rentals, Destin vacation rentals and also Naples vacation rentals. The places all looked pretty good, totally well equipped, nicely located, nice interiors, that it would be a good hideaway for a nice quite vacation :D Now to start printing some money to afford those places ... LOL!

4 weird comments:

Mariuca said...

Hey Spiff, how did u celebrate NY in space? Hope u had FUN! I have a new meme for u, enjoy! :):):)


Anonymous said...

Marzie - woohoo, my first meme for the year ... LOL!

Well, if you consider avoiding asteroids and solar flares fun then I guess I had a great new year in space ... hehehe ...

Solitaire said...

Good luck with that vacation...
We all deserve them..at the end of every 5-day week.

Anonymous said...

Solitaire - Thank. I'm really aiming for that vacation at least sometime this year :D And I think we should all have a 4 day work week ... LOL!