The Sleep Platform ...

Gee, the months really fly by so fast. It's like the 2nd of March already and it seemed like only yesterday I was in the midst of preparing for Christmas ... LOL!

It's been a slightly boring weekend thus far. Nothing much has happened that would be worth posting here. Didn't even go out this weekend which is a first for us. Mrs. Spiff wasn't feeling too good so we decided to stay home. The weather wasn't too conducive to go out anyway since it rained practically the whole morning and on days like these I'd rather stay home and vegetate ...

I didn't really vegetate all that much though, did some cleaning around the house and even washed my car which I've neglected to clean for quite a while now. It looks nice and spankingly white right now. But as the norm when I wash my car, the weather out there today looks cloudy and I'll bet my bottom dollar that it's going to rain soon.

It never fails though, and this has happened each and every time I wash my car. It can be bright and sunny while I'm washing it and the moment I'm done, the sun will disappear and the clouds will come and then it'll pour kittens and puppies. I think the rain gods just love to tease me ... LOL! Since it's going to rain, I'm not even going to go out today and get my clean car all wet and dirty again. I'm just going to leave it nicely sheltered under the porch and maybe get my assignment on platform beds completed.

What is a platform bed, you just might ask. Then again maybe you're not as doofussy as me and actually know what platform beds are. So, without much further ado, I'm going to increase my knowledge and go figure out just what platform beds are. You never know when that knowledge might just come in handy! LOL!